SoluTronic SolPlus

Hvis du har en solcelle inverter af typen SoluTronic SolPlus SP25, SP35, SP50 eller SP55 som laver fejl eller er defekt? Laver den fejlkode “Code 31” og “failure ENS DC-curr”? Så har vi løsningen til problemet.

Der har også været en del SoluTronic SolPlus SP25 invertere som pludselig begynder med en konstant hyletone og en fuldstændig ulæselig tekst i displayet. Lyder det bekendt? Så har vi også løsningen til det. Hyletonen starter som regel lidt op ad dagen og hyler hele dagen til solen går ned. Hyletonen er meget høj og irritabel at være i nærheden af.

Med en defekt SoluTronic SolPlus SP25 som har fejl, kan du ikke være sikker på din produktion selvom LED’en lyser grønt ved displayet.

Erfaring med solcellereparationer

Vi har arbejdet med solcelleanlæg siden 2009 og har kendskab til mange vekselrettere og solcellepaneler fra den “gamle ordning” såsom bl.a. SoluTronic SolPlus inverter serien. Endvidere reparerer vi også mange invertere for vores kollegaer i branchen.

De fleste invertere som vi reparerer forlænger vi levetiden med 50%, det er en god og bæredygtig løsning og så er det også billigere end at skulle købe en helt ny inverter.

Du kan frit vælge imellem at indlevere din inverter hos os på vores værksted eller vi kan komme til dig og se på solcelleanlægget.

Hvad koster det at reparerer en SoluTronic SolPlus? En reparation afhænger af fejlårsagen, men prisen for reparation er typisk mellem kr. 3.000 til 6.000 inkl. moms, prisen gælder Sjælland, Fyn, Jylland og brofaste øer.

Reparation af Solutronic SolPlus inverter – kontakt EnergiElektrikeren!
Læs mere om fejl på solcelleanlæg her

Billeder af Solutronic Solplus

Fejlkoder til SoluTronic SolPlus SP25, SP35, SP50 og SP55


Fejlkoder omhandlende AC net

1, 2, 3 and 4
IACL too positive IACL too negative IACN too positive IACN too negative
Current in mains cable L too high
Too much interference on the mains cable

8, 9
UAC too low UAC too high
Grid voltage too low/high
Grid voltage undershot/overshot the values set in parameters 53 and 51
Enquire with your utility company about the stability and configuration of the grid

12, 13
Grid failure UAC: Positive, Negative
Grid failure
No grid. The inverter waits until grid voltage is available again and then switches back on
Check your grid connection and, if necessary, fusing

Grid impedance jump
A sudden change in grid impedance of > 1.0  occurs
The inverter turns off as soon as the grid impedance rises suddenly. It automatically restarts as soon as grid voltage and frequency are in order again.
Sudden changes can occur when e.g. other high-load appliances are switched on, or due to poor network quality

17, 18
Grid frequency: too low, too high
A change in grid frequency of 0.2 Hz up or down has occurred
Grid frequency undershot/overshot the values set in parameter 75
Ask your electricity company about grid stability and operation

Exchange Grid L and N
Inverter has recognised a false connection to grid
Change over L and N connections
Make connections as described in the chapter Grid Connection

29, 30
Error ENS UAC: Increasing, Declining
Grid failure
No grid. The inverter waits until grid voltage is available again and then switches back on
Check your grid connection and, if necessary, fusing

Error ENS DC – Current
DC section has network current greater than 1 A
The maximum allowed DC current is exceeded
Ask your electricity company about network stability and operation
Fault and Alarm Messages

UAC measurement or Exchange UAC L, N
The inverter turns on for as short period, and then after a few seconds off again
PE not connected, or L and N the wrong way round
Check that L, N and PE are correctly connected

3-phase fault
The 3-phase monitoring function has detected failure of a phase and deactivated the inverters of the master-slave network
A phase has failed and all inverters in the master-slave network in installations >30 kW switch off
Enquire with your utility company about the stability and configuration of the grid


Fejlkoder omhandlende DC forbindelsen (solcellerne)

IDC too great
Maximum allowed DC current exceeded. Inverter switches off automatically
Check the dimensioning of your PV generator. Reduce the number of strings in parallel.

UDC too great
Maximum allowed DC voltage exceeded.
PV generator is supplying too much voltage. The inverter switches off when the voltage > 800 V.
Check the dimensioning of your PV generator. Reduce the number of strings in series.

UDC too small
Generator voltage too low.
Unit switches off when voltage falls below 330 V * Value is dependent on grid voltage. Solar generator is supplying too little voltage for the inverter to operate.
Inverter restarts automatically when voltage returns to above approx. 390 V.

Ground fault
The inverter detects an increase in current flow to ground
The modules, cables or connectors may be damaged. Extreme variation in brightness
Check the solar cables and their routing, and check the modules for brittle/cracked, bright or pinched spots/areas

Residual current DC
Inverter has observed a sudden increase in residual current of over 30mA.
In case of isolation problem, movement of solar generator or extreme changes in brightness the inverter switches off.
Check the solar cable and modules for bare patches

Insulation error DC
Solar generator has too low a insulating resistance, less than 0,80 M
Damaged module or cable, entry of water
Check the solar cable, its laying and the modules for broken or bare patches.

AC residual current
The AC residual current has exceeded the value set in parameter 41

Fault, capac. load DC
Capacitive load of the PV generator to ground too high
+ and – cables form too large a loop
Run the DC cables parallel to one another in separate cable ducts
Fault and Alarm Messages


Fejlkoder omhandlende interne fejl i inverter

Overcurrent in hardware
Hardware overcurrent detection
Please contact our Service department

Auxiliary power supply operation
Power supply of control electronics has failed
Please contact our Service department

The inverter is too hot Poor dissipation of the heat generated by the inverter Check whether the flow of air around the heat sinks of the inverter is impeded/blocked

Internal, AFI defective
The RCCBs built into the inverter Hardware defect Please contact our Service department

26, 35, 37
Fault, internal grid monitoring
Internal communication fault Hardware defect Please contact our Service department

Auxiliary power supply standby
Too little insolation to enable the electronics to function Wait until the level of insolation is high enough

Fault, ENS/MSD data CP
Plausibility check on the measured values Please contact our Service department

Fault, DC symmetry
Symmetry error of the electrolytic capacitor of the intermediate DC link Defective capacitor Please contact our Service department

33, 34
Offset error in standby Offset error operation
Offset current or voltage measurement in standby/during operation outside permissible range Please contact our Service department

Fault, relay defective
Grid isolating relay defective Hardware defect Please contact our Service department Fault,

RAM check on startup is not okay Switch the inverter off and on again Fault,

MPP controller
Too low an output at too high a DC voltage Hardware defect Please contact our Service department

Fault, external
External fault A fault from an external source has been reported via the inputs of the inverter Test the external source for faults

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